Falcon Adventure Club was established in 2011 by 4 passionate adventurers. Ali Usman (the current CEO/Director) took this initiative with his 3 friends Usman, Sajid, Samad after he resigned from Ultimate Adventure Club (Pvt) Limited from the post of General secretary. At that time domestic tourism in Pakistan was going through a very tough time and all the large tour operating companies of Pakistan was focusing on international tourists. At that time we started it by targeting the university students. by establishing adventure clubs at university level. Giki Adenture Club, Comsats Adventure Club, Islamians Adventure Club, Fast Adventure Club was the few initiatives taken by Falcon Adventure club in 2011. And Alhamdulilah today we have achieved our goals and in last 6-7 years we have seen an increase of 500% in domestic tourists which is a positive sign for Pakistani Economy and it also depicts a positive image of Pakistan in international media. And still our main motive is to promote the positive side of Pakistan for this reason we have published a magazine with the name of Spectacular Pakistan and distributed it in all the embassies and consulates of Pakistan abroad.